My initial focus was "Productivity polarisation in our ‘Modern Times’ (number 26)." The article stated: "Note with particular attention that last policy recommendation: a basic income for one and all to help society adjust to the new hyper technological environment, in a way that encourages competition and productivity in laggard firms, and dilutes the power of the winner-takes-all corporates."
Number 20 looks potentially good too. I have previously posted, on G+ (and elsewhere perhaps), about humans being Doozers when they mindlessly say they need jobs regardless of jobs actually needing to be done.
If you can't access the links try
- The parable of water
- The end of artificial scarcity
- Redefining labour
- Beyond GDP and the rise of the non-monetised economy
- Robots, China and demographics
- The evolution of luxury markets
- Counterintuitive insights that are only now making the mainstream now
- Time to take basic income seriously?
- On what really is different this time around
- Inflationistas and the global supply shock
- The SME demand-side problem
- What is the value of unique?
- World War Zirp
- Sugar as the new tobacco?
- Where art thou inflation?
- Google, defender of the universe
- The gamification of the economy: creating rivalry where there is none
- Behold the new, new economy?
- Information asymmetry, bad incentives and Taibbi
- Larry Summers on forwarding the Doozer economy
- Let there be bubbles!
- Secular stagnation and the paradox of worth
- The new Hanseatica, now with robot dogs
- L'embarras de richesses, crude oil edition
- Disrupting FREEDOM!
- Productivity polarisation in our 'Modern Times'