Confidence is a psychological phenomenon. Confidence is a scientifically provable chemical and or physics based reaction in the brain. The human brain is scientifically capable of being confident.
Regarding the "science" of what issues we should be confident about, there is no established theory regarding the correct implementation of personal confidence. There is however highly compelling scientific evidence within the field of social-science (sociology, psychology) that confidence and expectations do have a tangible scientific impact upon the outcome of events, which has been extensively detailed in the Placebo Effect, Social Reflexivity, Hawthorne Effect (see also Observer expectancy), Positive Feedback, Self-Fulfilling Prophecy, Expectation (epistemic), Demand characteristics, and Participatory Action Research.
Science cannot tell us what to be confident about but science does state that confidence is an essential component of the human brain (lack of confidence can become a mental illness).
Science also states that confidence (more precisely our expectations, our biases) do have a provable and decisive impact upon the results of any endeavour.
When a person takes a placebo their health can improve merely because they are confident their health will improve. Improvement of health depends largely upon expectations. A recent study actually revealed how placebos work even if patients are aware they're only taking a sugar pill:
People can be biased about many things. People are also often unaware of their biases. Different scientists can interpret identical scientific results differently therefore I've recently been contemplating the whole issue of how science depends on the human brain. I've been contemplating the scientific proof regarding confidence.
Confidence can be described as a chemical or physics based reaction in the brain. Now if the entire nature of the human mind is unprovable in physics, and or chemistry, then the entirety of science is based on a fundamental flaw: the unprovable state of the human brain. My point is that if aspects of the human brain cannot be completely explained by science then our brains are substantially unknown mechanisms. This leads to the following question. Is it valid to prove anything via an unprovable, unscientific mechanism? Are our brains unscientific? If our brains are unscientific then the entirety of science is unscientific despite any contrary delusions. My point is that if the fundamental faculty of confidence cannot be completely proved, due to incomplete knowledge regarding the human brain, then all aspects of science are based on an imprecise mechanism.
My point is that if the mechanism (the brain) determining scientific results is a significantly unknown mechanism then scientific results could be skewed by factors in the evaluational mechanism (the brain) which scientists are unaware of. There may be unaware biases in the fundamental evaluation device (the brain) skewing the results of science thus all science is fundamentally unscientific.
I do not think science is unscientific. We do know sufficient information about the brain thus we can state the functions of the brain are sufficiently provable therefore science is not based upon a fundamental flaw. Regarding aspects of the brain we are unsure about there is enough scientific data to state with reasonable certainty that we are sure what is happening within our minds.
Confidence has scientifically been proved to be beneficial to humans. It's also been scientifically proven that confidence can exist within human minds. If the science of confidence is questionable then what would be the solution? Should scientists renounce confidence due to the potentially unscientific nature of confidence? I would respond to such a question by stating how confidence is similar to breathing. Science can explain breathing but you don't need a scientific theory to tell you why you should breathe. People instinctively want to breathe because they know breathing is good. People instinctively want to be confident because they know confidence is good.
Science is continually being refined therefore if there are any uncertainties regarding confidence I am confident these uncertainties will eventually be resolved in a way satisfactory to science. In the meantime we can be confident science is scientific and we can be confident regarding self-confidence being scientific. We can thus confidently state utopia is a certainty by 2045 at the latest because the science of our confidence guarantees utopia.
Confidence can be described as a chemical or physics based reaction in the brain. Now if the entire nature of the human mind is unprovable in physics, and or chemistry, then the entirety of science is based on a fundamental flaw: the unprovable state of the human brain. My point is that if aspects of the human brain cannot be completely explained by science then our brains are substantially unknown mechanisms. This leads to the following question. Is it valid to prove anything via an unprovable, unscientific mechanism? Are our brains unscientific? If our brains are unscientific then the entirety of science is unscientific despite any contrary delusions. My point is that if the fundamental faculty of confidence cannot be completely proved, due to incomplete knowledge regarding the human brain, then all aspects of science are based on an imprecise mechanism.
My point is that if the mechanism (the brain) determining scientific results is a significantly unknown mechanism then scientific results could be skewed by factors in the evaluational mechanism (the brain) which scientists are unaware of. There may be unaware biases in the fundamental evaluation device (the brain) skewing the results of science thus all science is fundamentally unscientific.
I do not think science is unscientific. We do know sufficient information about the brain thus we can state the functions of the brain are sufficiently provable therefore science is not based upon a fundamental flaw. Regarding aspects of the brain we are unsure about there is enough scientific data to state with reasonable certainty that we are sure what is happening within our minds.
Confidence has scientifically been proved to be beneficial to humans. It's also been scientifically proven that confidence can exist within human minds. If the science of confidence is questionable then what would be the solution? Should scientists renounce confidence due to the potentially unscientific nature of confidence? I would respond to such a question by stating how confidence is similar to breathing. Science can explain breathing but you don't need a scientific theory to tell you why you should breathe. People instinctively want to breathe because they know breathing is good. People instinctively want to be confident because they know confidence is good.
Science is continually being refined therefore if there are any uncertainties regarding confidence I am confident these uncertainties will eventually be resolved in a way satisfactory to science. In the meantime we can be confident science is scientific and we can be confident regarding self-confidence being scientific. We can thus confidently state utopia is a certainty by 2045 at the latest because the science of our confidence guarantees utopia.
Your expectations regarding the outcome of any event do have a substantial impact upon your perception of reality (see also this BBC report).The human mind can distort our view of reality, which consequently alters our reactions and subsequent actions. Our actions alter reality. It is a Positive feedback, a Self-Fulfilling Prophecy, a Placebo Effect. Our minds really do change the world.
The above video will help people understand the nature of Self-Fulfilling Prophecy, it also gives an insight into why I often use the colors red and pink (red subconsciously creates positivity). Furthermore I have today been computing on my massively-super-high-powered ultra-sophisticated analytical-engine how rapidly we are progressing towards utopia, and the great news is that we are progressing very quickly towards utopia.
If you look at how the mechanism of Positive Feedback works then Viral Videos give clear practical example of how expectations and desires (and the consequent behavior) will quickly cause something to snowball.
Awareness is the cornerstone, the keystone, the root of the action. Awareness is the cause of the chain-reaction, the positive feedback which can be seen in Viral Videos. People become aware of the video, then they watch it, then they share it, then more people do the same. Likewise people become aware of a utopian Singularity, which is due to occur by 2045 at the latest, then they investigate the information, then they share the information, then politicians and businesses begin reacting to public opinion.
My reference to the Placebo Effect is not a suggestion that the Placebo Effect can avert death, but the placebo effect can improve health. My point is that the Placebo Effect demonstrates how our minds can alter reality on a small level and when that small level combines collectively the consequence can lead to the positive feedback of a "bank run" or a "viral video" or a "stock market crash". If a positive feedback happened regarding people expecting a utopian Singularity then those utopian expectations would feed into scientists, technologists, businesses, and politicians. The actions of scientists, technologists, businesses, and politicians would then feedback into consumers, thus the general public would see that feedback as evidence of how we are moving towards utopia thus the general public would have greater expectations of utopia from the scientists, technologists, businesses, and politicians. This is how a runaway feedback loop ensues.
Ten million drops of rain can combine to create a flood. Collective human expectations of utopia can combine in an information cascade or availability cascade to accelerate the rate of progress towards utopia, but expectations of a utopian Singularity are not an irrational jumping on the bandwagon. Via self-determinism we see how utopia can easily be created via technology therefore we will rationally and pragmatically choose to apply our confidence thereby creating utopia.
The future is whatever you expect it to be. It can either be dystopia or utopia. The crucial point is that your expectations are the key, this is the key meaning of Expectation (epistemic). Expectations are pivotal. If you combine the concept of expectations with Self-Fulfilling Prophecy and then add a good dose of self-determinism you can easily create utopia. You can turn the world into anything you want it to be. I expect utopia although I realize I must battle against people who expect misery.
I suggest there is compelling scientific evidence demonstrating how mere confidence in a utopian Singularity will ensure the Singularity is actually utopian. We can make the Singularity happen sooner instead of later.
THIS INFORMATION CONTAINS 500 VERY BIG UTOPIA PILLS. Within each very big utopia pill there are 2 billion nano-syringes injecting confidence into your brain cells. These very sophisticated utopia pills are very expensive, they cost $10 million each to make due to the respected brand name. Consume this medicine: utopia is coming.
Large Red Utopia Pill. 1 of 500 very big UTOPIA PILLS.
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